Way Back When…

Yes it has been way too long and yes I meant to get this up way earlier, but here it is, better late than never. This here is a little video I rushed to finish my last day in Ghana, only to remember there is no way my internet connection would ever allow me to upload it. And once I got home to our slightly faster Kodiak wifi, my motivation decided to take a break for a while and only just now returned (right in time for the start of the school year, isn’t that great??). So finally, here it is.

A couple notes on what you’re seeing…

  1. We start out where I was staying in the capital city Accra, take the daily walk to my office at SEND Ghana and see some footage from work outings, and then fly north for a look into my stay in Kuwani (this is the best part by far).
  2. I am very disappointed with the background music; I was planning on using my nninja Ben’s songs, the ones we danced the night away to in Kuwani, but unfortunately the files I transferred from his little USB radio speaker don’t work with my (or any) computer programs. So please try to ignore the boring generic music I quickly found online.
  3. The video switches between footage from my Canon and GoPro, so that’s what the difference in angle and warp is all about.
  4. And finally, I took most of this video right in the middle of everything, meaning whether I was walking or driving or cutting tofu, my camera was making every motion with me. Speeding video up only makes movement more dramatic, so if you’re prone to motion sickness, you have been warned. 

My time in Ghana seems like a lifetime away, or even just a completely different lifetime. And man, looking back really makes me miss those kids a whole lot. And the mangos too, of course.

Well, that’s about it…hang onto your seats and enjoy. 

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